Todd Oldham Studio Art Lessons
TOS created a series of free art lessons for families and teachers to do at home while schools were closed due to COVID-19. I developed and authored the initial lessons in addition to designing all the collateral.
View the lessons I authored below and check out the full lineup by clicking here or visiting @toddoldhamstudio on Instagram.
Mosaic Bug House
Is there a playground in your neighborhood or at your school? Parks and playgrounds are spaces designed by people to be shared with a community. They are places for coming together to play, exercise, relax, and explore. What other spaces in your neighborhood are for sharing? Nek Chand and Antoni Gaudí are two people who designed public spaces for people to visit and enjoy.
Stencil Illustrations
Take a look around your home. How many places can you spot letters and words? On packaging, signs, books, and magnets- words are everywhere! Maira Kalman and Corita Kent are two artists who use words in their artwork.
Paper Metropolis
Do you live in a city? Have you visited a city and looked at a tall building? What did you notice? Who do you think built the buildings? Think about the neighborhood where you live. Who lives in your neighborhood? What kind of buildings are near your home? Bodys Isek Kingelez and Charles & Ray Eames are three artists who liked to build things.
Papier-mâché Creatures
Do you have any pets? Is there a pet you’ve always wanted? It can be nice to have a friend to take care of and play with. What if your pet could be a three-eyed monster? Or a giant pink dog? Misaki Kawai and Brett Douglas Hunter are two artists who make their own pets!
Paper Theater
Have you ever been to a movie theater? Did you ever love a movie so much that you wanted to reenact the whole thing after it ended? It’s fun to retell stories or make up your own! That’s exactly why people bought toy theaters in London, England over 200 years ago. Write a story and create your own paper theater inspired by artists Hari & Deepti!
Bouquet Collage
Are there flowers in your neighborhood? Maybe they are for sale at the store, growing in a park, or on display in a vase at home. A lot of people like flowers because they are bright and colorful! Learn about color theory and texture in this lesson inspired by Vincent Van Gogh and Eric Carle.
Relief Portrait
Have you ever looked closely at coins? What did you notice? The pictures and faces on coins feel bumpy when you run your finger over them. Relief is a way of making sculptures where the sculpted parts remain attached to a background. Draw connections between relief sculptures around the world and then create your own!